
We Can’t Lose Our Humanity

Samuel-James_LA-County_80x80.jpgby Sam James LA County Social Services, Eligibility Worker Assemblywoman Norma Torres is right when she states that cuts to health and human services programs will end up costing the state more money in the long-run because people who are denied care will end up with more serious conditions that incur further – and more expensive – costs. But it’s also true that any cuts have ripple effects that can show up immediately or have disastrous results down the road. Lay-offs and/or pay reductions to minimum wage will cause casualties too. This isn’t exactly a booming job market. Where are people supposed to go to find work? How are they supposed to feed their families, pay their rent and utilities? Everybody understands the budget crisis is overwhelming. But we can’t lose our humanity in this. After all, that’s what this state is built on.