
Teaming up to make transformation work

MHTC.mtg090610_lacountyDMH_250x132.jpg< SEIU 721 mental health team members at recent Mental Health Transformation Committee meeting
The Mental Health Transformation Committee meeting on June 10 brought together SEIU 721 mental health team members from some of the eight facilities with Department of Mental Health leadership, including Chief Deputy Director Robin Kay, to troubleshoot issues in the clinics that are being transformed
DMH is also looking at Prevention and Early Intervention programs for the next round of transformation.
Speak up as we transform mental health services
Take five minutes to fill out the “LA County Mental Health Transformation and Contract Survey”–which examines transformation and quality services, working conditions, and community connections. Look for it at your work site from your shop steward, contact Jane Jose at 213-368-8671, or find it online.

Next work sites for transformation
  2. Edelman
  3. Housing
  4. Long Beach
  5. Palmdale
  6. Rio Hondo
  7. Santa Clarita
  8. West Valley
Categories: Los Angeles County