
Let’s Make the Mental Health System Work for All of Us

SEIU 721 members are part of the movement to transform mental health services to create a client-centered and family-focused way of supporting hope, wellness and recovery in the lives of people affected by mental illness.

Patrick_Del_Conte_LAcountyDMH-ami-able_80x80.jpg“Coming together to create a shared vision of mental health transformation and then working together as a community is the only way to make this happen.”

Patrick Del Conte
Integrated Services Program Manager, L.A. County Department of Mental Health

Yet, state budget cuts seriously impact people who need mental health services–and threaten mental health transformation.

In the face of these challenges, clients, family members, consumers, advocates, service providers, community activists, mental health workers and others need to come to together to share experiences and concerns–and begin to develop a shared vision of transforming mental health services in our county.

Categories: Los Angeles County