
Social Workers Join Clients to Expand LA County Safety Net

GR-SSI-Social-Workers-and-Advocates_IMG_2016.jpgAbove: LA County social workers and clients they have helped to move off General Relief outside the Board of Supervisors.

Social workers and their clients took center stage as the LA County Board of Supervisors approved a major overhaul of social services for people with disabilities. Currently people with severe mental and physical disabilities often qualify only for General Relief, the County’s basic safety net program.

But social workers in the GR/SSI program help clients apply for federal benefits that can provide health care, housing and other services.

“We are proud to be public servants and part of the safety net helping people,” said Social Worker Elbashir Eltaib. “My fellow social workers are extremely dedicated to the clients we serve.”

Social Worker Delia Hanawalt told supervisors about her experience in the successful GR/SSI pilot program.

“Some of these recipients had been on GR for decades until we assisted them in transitioning to SSI,” Hanawalt said.

Clients spoke about their success stories. Mark Kelly, a veteran and former businessman, told supervisors about his time living on the street. Now he is taking classes and qualified for housing and other benefits. “I went eight months on the street in the same clothes. Now I’m in a system that works,” Kelly said.

Kelly’s case worker, Eltaib, stood next to him proudly.

As part of the GR overhaul, experienced LA County social workers will work alongside community organizations in two pilot projects at DPSS Rancho Park and Special South offices. 

“We want to continue to provide quality social work,” said Frances Ward, a social worker and GR/SSI advocate at Rancho Park. “I am proud to be part of this project which has contributed to improving outcomes for the neediest people in our county while reducing county costs in these tough economic times.”

Stay Involved

Over the next 90 days we’ll have a chance to weigh in to ensure the pilot programs work for clients and the County before the Board approves the plans in May.

We need our social workers to get involved in the policy process to ensure that they are able to provide quality social work. The pilot programs will be based in the South Special and Rancho Park offices.

Contact Suzan Pour-Sanae at 213-368-8607 or

Categories: Los Angeles County