
Courts Budget Update: SEIU Makes Progress in Negotiating Solutions

After a year of devastating layoffs and furloughs, solutions for California’s beleaguered courts are being hammered out.
SEIU has been an active partner in negotiations with Assemblymember Feuer, the defense and plaintiffs bars, and judiciary officials to come up with an array of budget solutions.
The emerging plan would prevent further cuts and eliminate the need for furloughs through budget solutions totaling approximately $200 million, including:
  • Adding an additional fee for first paper filings
  • Setting a standard fee for telephone appearances
  • Transferring construction funds and other available AOC funds to trial court operations
In his May budget revision, the Governor no longer proposed the $100 million cut he proposed in January; in addition, he proposed $60 million in court security fees.
However, the Governor is again proposing to replace court reporters with electronic recording.
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“Our hard work to publicize the damage of court closures and layoffs changed the conversation in Sacramento. We still have a long fight ahead, but the emerging agreement is a positive start.”
Arnella Sims
Superior Court Reporter
SEIU 721 Executive Board Member