The results:
SEIU: | | 602 | |
EAA: | | 438 |

“Everyone had a chance to let their voice be heard,” said Chad Doi, a structural engineering associate with the City of LA Department of Building and Safety. “Now that a decision is made, it’s time to come together.”
As they celebrated the results of the election, members of the City’s professional engineering unit said they looked forward to working together with all of their City colleagues to make real improvements.
“We’re all in the same boat going in the same direction,” said Robert Sanchez, a civil engineering associate in the City of LA Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering. “I hope we can put our differences aside. We’re all city workers, and we can all make a change if we all work together.”
Next steps:
Special informational meetings for LA City professionals will be scheduled soon. Dates and times will be announced. More information is available at
Wahooooo! Kick ass!!!!!
Congratulations Engineers & Professionals in LA. And welcome!!!!
Lisa, SEIU Arizona
Now that the voting is complete, let us hope that SEIU was the right choice and not just the winner by default as Bob Aquino has not done anything for the membership for too many years.
Just to be accurate, it was not nearly 1500 members that chose SEIU!
Good luck, you guys. I am represented by SEIU, who just sold us down the river in these latest round of givaways to the City. EAA did a much better job holding the line for its members, and when the furloughs are found to be illegal those still represented by EAA will be refunded their money, and will keep their raises, while we lose our COLAs, have our hours cut, and see our paychecks shrink.
We heard a lot of talks. Now you got a chance to prove it. See what you do.
Good luck
Dave, I hope you’re not surprised by now that they exaggerate at every opportunity. A loss is a win as far as they’re concerned. The ERB mediator put the responsibility on the City for their failure to negotiate in good faith and the LAPMA-approved, SEIU raid just made it easier for the City to ignore the process and the creating a weakness for the City to exploit the strength of the employees. Watch for a tripling of the dues and the erosion of our benefits as the inexperienced negotiators meet to discuss our MOUs. Watch for disappearance of the much-touted “transparency” Butcher & Schoonover talked about,
OFF Topic. Bob Schoonover, you never replied to my question. Are you retiring and taking your “Dignity Bonus” with you or aren’t you retiring? Yes or No? How much is the “Dignity Bonus” going to be? Isn’t this the “Dignity” that Butcher said was necessary so retirees could “Retire With Dignity”? It must be shameful to retire otherwise.
@CANDE: Here is SEIU 721 President Bob Schoonover’s full statement on applying for ERIP: