
Fighting for Quality Public Services, SEIU 721 Members Move into Campaign Mode

memberPB_250x181.jpgSEIU 721 members have begun phone banking and walking precincts to help elect a new governor who will work to rebuild California and support public employees and the services we provide.
Volunteers say it’s a meaningful opportunity to talk to other SEIU members about the need to rebuild our economy and the choices they’ll make on Election Day.
Linda Mascorro 80x80.jpg“It takes just a few hours but can make a huge difference for you, for the people you serve, and for California.”
– Linda Mascorro, LA Superior Court
Many city and county employees are motivated to volunteer, some for the first time in their lives, by the intensity of the current attacks on public employees by elected officials and corporate interests.
Johnny-Clark-01-80x80.jpg“Public employees are being blamed for what’s wrong with California. This year I’m doing something about it.”
– Johnny Clark, LA City General Services
Carolyn-Consoli_Ventura-County_80x80.jpg“I’m talking to other SEIU 721 members about candidates who share my values and issues I care about. Like protecting retirement for working people, and making sure teachers, and city and county workers have the respect we deserve.” – Carolyn Consoli, Ventura County Public Health
Ready to volunteer? There are phone bank opportunities throughout Southern California, in Los Angeles, Riverside, Lancaster, and Ventura, and also at mobile phone banks throughout the region.
For more information, talk to a SEIU 721 worksite organizer, call the SEIU 721 Member Action Center at (877) 721-4YOU, or visit the 2010 Election Central page.