
SEIU 721 Retirees Elects a New Board for 2013

IMG_0051.JPGThe following retirees were elected as new board members for 2013: Norm Johnson as 1st Vice President, Bobbie Holmes as 2nd Vice President and Yolanda Touri as Secretary. Doris Wallace is the Chair and is appointed by SEIU 721 Executive Board. Special thanks to the Election Committee for efficiently and quickly counting the ballots: Patsy Howard, Kenny Jackson and Bobbie Anderson. 
100 SEIU 721 Retiree Members at January 2013 MeetingOver 100 retirees attended the first meeting of the year and set priorities for 2013. Goals include: increasing membership, engaging members, reaching out to other areas by holding meetings in outlying regions. All officers must bring in new members and the purpose of the officers was reaffirmed: to be a working committee and work in the community. 
Clippers tickets were raffled off at the meeting; the lucky winner was Boonpin Piromgraipakd. 
Upcoming events include a January 30th rally: “Hands Off Our Social Security!” 10 a.m. at the Social Security Office located at 215 North Soto Street, Los Angeles, CA. 
In conjunction with other retired organizations, SEIU 721 Retirees will rally on May 17th to visit legislators regarding Social Security and Medicare.
The Las Vegas Meet and Greet will unite SEIU members from the LA Region and Las Vegas at the AARP Conference May 29th-June 1st. Click HERE for a flyer. 
For more information, or to get involved, contact Doris Wallace at (213) 738-8414.
The SEIU 721 Retiree Facebook page is HERE. “Like” it today!
Categories: Senior Committee