
LA City Budget Season Begins

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and CAO Miguel Santana are preparing to release their budget for the City of LA.
What Are SEIU 721 Members Doing About It?
City workers have sacrificed to keep the city solvent. Even though the economy is turning around, the mayor and CAO are asking for more. They are attacking our jobs and benefits. But we’re ready to fight back.
Here are SEIU 721 members’ priorities:
  • Protect our contract.
  • No layoffs, no furloughs and no pay cuts.
  • Keep our raises (due July 2013 and January 2014).
  • No increased healthcare costs.
  • No privatization or outsourcing.
  • Propose ideas to save money and make the city more efficient.
“This new budget is important to us and the city as a whole. We know that LA is coming back from the worst economic crisis in 80 years. Let’s unite and keep our contract strong!”
-Myran Cotton, LA City Parking Attendant

Mark Your Calendar:
Come out to the Mayor’s State of the City Address to make sure city workers are heard.
Tuesday, April 9, 3 p.m.
UCLA’s Royce Hall
340 Royce Drive
Los Angeles 90095

Download a flyer to post at your worksite.
For more info call the 721 Member Connection: (877) 721-4968.