
DPSS Victory!

DPSSBUupdate.jpgOn Dec. 13, the County dropped its proposals for mandatory night shifts and unilateral changes to assignments and workloads. They sent us a letter that says:
ELIGIBILITY WORKERS AND SUPERVISORS: This is to inform you that the County is withdrawing its proposals for Article 42 (Work Schedules), Section E and for a new article entitled “Business Process Re-engineering in DPSS” for both Bargaining Units 731 and 732.

With those proposals off the table, the DPSS bargaining teams met with management and reached a settlement.
We’re Not Done Yet
LA County members still haven’t reached agreement with management over the timing of our raises, which we think should be retroactive to the day our contract expired (Oct. 1). This week the Bargaining Policy Committee will meet with the County about retro pay.
Stay tuned for more info…