
REPRESENTATIONAL WIN OF THE MONTH 721 Tri-Counties Delivers Retro Pay to Ventura County Worker


As an SEIU member, you’re part of a family that can’t be ignored when we raise our collective voice. When our union comes together to address the problems of individual members, we can move mountains.

When one of Kenneth Milton’s co-workers in the County of Ventura’s General Services Agency got hurt, Kenneth was assigned to fill in and perform his co-worker’s tile-setting duties. The out-of-class fill-in assignment that was supposed to last days, turned into months.

Kenneth set tile in the county’s Hall of Administration, Hall of Justice and other departments — all while continuing to perform his regular responsibilities as a Building Equipment Utility Worker.

Kenneth reached out to the Union for help. As a result, Ventura County agreed to pay Kenneth 244 hours — or about 6 weeks — of retroactive pay for working out of class. Kenneth’s work should be valued, and our union is here to ensure that it is.