
Victory! LA County Signs Landmark Agreement with SEIU 721 to Resume Bargaining Immediately

Our 1,200+ member rally at the Hall of Administration on September 24th sent shockwaves throughout Southern California and sent a clear message to LA County: If management doesn’t stop their union-busting tactics and come back to the table immediately, we’re ready to strike on October 10th.

Our massive demonstration of union power generated dozens of media clips and prompted the Chair of the LA County Board of Supervisors, Lindsey Horvath, to request an emergency meeting with SEIU 721 President David Green and County CEO Fesia Davenport.

This morning’s meeting was a welcome change of tone from County administrators, as SEIU 721 President David Green, Chief Negotiator Steve Koffroth, and Deputy Chief of Staff Raymond Meza brought members’ concerns about the more than 20 Unfair Labor Practice Charges directly to management’s doorstep.

Members’ voices were heard loud and clear, and thanks to last week’s massive mobilization and continued organizing in the field, we secured a landmark agreement with LA County administrators just days before our county-wide ULP strike – one that protects LA County members and gets us back to the bargaining table earlier than required.

What’s Next?

For now, our Unfair Labor Practice strike is on hold.

Your elected bargaining teams will return to negotiations with LA County management next month, ready to fight for a strong new contract that uplifts our members, our families, and the vital public services our communities rely on.

Make no mistake: together, we will fight for the best contract in LA County history!

Categories: Los Angeles County