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111 Clerical and Office Services Candidate Statements:


I should be selected for the Local 721 bargaining committee because we need to Ensure that we have a Strong Contract especially with the costs going up & our pay staying the same. I am someone who Isn’t Affraid to Say “No That’s Not Right!” & Fight for what we Deserve for all the HARD Work we provide to the community often times overlooked.I should be selected for the Local 721 bargaining committee because we need to Ensure that we have a Strong Contract especially with the costs going up & our pay staying the same. I am someone who


I feel you are really fighting for clerks to get what we are worth. Also, Apple One Clerks should be hired after being with us for 1years and more.
Taking exams, promotions and grievancesI feel you are really fighting for clerks to get what we are worth. Also, Apple One Clerks should be hired after being with us for 1years and more.
Taking exams, promotions and grievances


No Statement Submitted


I believe i would be a good candidate because everyone should have a good working environment, be happy to be at work, and take pride of your work/work place.


No Statement Submitted


I am looking for a fair salary for our county employees that reflects the increase on food and housing. 20% is merely to keep away from homelessness. I strongly believe that our brothers and sisters deserve a little peace of mind every paycheck instead of having to live behind on payments month after month. I will be grateful if you consider my request.
I look forward to receiving your reply soon.


No Statement Submitted


The reason why I should be selected is that I was on a previous bargaining negotiation team. And since then, I have been a point of contacts for any union information that needs to be addressed/changed. I am aware of our bargaining 111 MOU and contract information. I know I have the confidence and understanding to be our next bargaining negotiator.


I am very passionate about the work that I do for Los Angeles County especially burning unit 111 112. I am a strong advocate for all of central clerical, and I would love to be a part of the bargaining team.


Its important to have a voice when it comes to what is desired for those of us who work and live in LA County. Being able to be part of a bargaining group and sharing ideas from all employee aspects along with union reps can help define the gaps and deficiencies (if any) in wage, benefits, or other items we are requesting. I would appreciate an opportunity to be a part of this bargaining. Thank you


I currently hold the title of ITC. Myself and other staff support are in desperate need of a raise. Inflation is at an all time high in this state. Rent, bills, gas, and groceries are essential needs for us and our families and with the current pay we cannot survive. Its unfair to us who work equally as hard as anyone else. The support staff is the backbone to each title in the county and we deserve to be compensated enough to provide for ourself and our families.


In 2022, the LA County SEIU 721 members received a 12% raise over the life of their three-year contract. However, our incomes have not kept pace with inflation, and it feels like we took a pay cut instead of increasing it. Housing, food, utilities, and transportation costs have increased, with housing expenses being 140% higher than the national average. All these factors increase financial stress on our members and can also affect their mental health.


I think I would make a good candidate.


I have been a Steward/Leader for seventeen years and understands the importance of being a member first. I believe in members first and will do the best to my abilities to fight for a fair contract with a raised that matches up with the cost living and to make sure that the County of Los Angeles continues to paid the extra cost of our Medical and Dental benefits. Thank you in advanced for your vote.


I would like be a voice for all the members, in getting what we deserve. We are so, under paid and over looked. I would fight for whats best for all SEIU members.


I want to stand up and be part of a better contract for all clerical staff.


This is a new year, and it is time for change. I am strong and resilient and will fight for the rights of BU 111 Clerical and Office Services employees to receive an additional increase in our pay, education credits, and hold the CEO to his word to give us “more” this time around. We are the glue that holds the County of LA together and deserve to be treated with the same respect and dignity as everyone else. I am ready, willing, and able to stand my ground!!!


With new hires and long time clerical office service workers employed throughout all departments in the County of Los Angeles we know Nothing Works Without the Clerks! Lets continue to hold every level of labor accountable for fair and equitable contracts. SEIU721 Bargaining Unit111 supports all levels of staff, our incentives to have professional careers, educational goals and training as needed 2025 – 2028 Intentional future change and growth.


I am Ready to Fight Hard with and help my Bargaining Unit again to secure a Good Raise for us that is so richly deserved. I am Ready to Bargain and Negotiate Very Hard for My Bargain Unit!!


Janet Paul
Union Steward


Striving for what is right is one of my tenants in life it seems like no matter which area I turn people come to me for advice. I am someone who is willing to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.


No Statement Submitted


I want to be a part of the bargaining team because LA County workers deserve to be able to afford rent in the County they Work In/For. Anything less than 30% is objectionable.


No Statement Submitted


No Statement Submitted


This is my second time on the negotiating team I am ready to go through are mou and make a difference for my co-workers I am also a steward, and we definitely need more money for the work we do for Los Angeles County we are the front workers there are some clerical staff that do more than they need to. please vote for me and I will work hard to get us the things we need.