Vote Now! – BU 723 Ballot

723 Children’s Social Workers Candidate Statements:


My name is Kimberly Allen and I am a Children Social Worker (CSW) at the Vermont Corridor DCFS office. I have been employed with DCFS for 14 years. I plan to bargain for a fair contract for CSWs to include better telework language for all CSWs. I am also vested in ensuring that language is drafted that is specific to CSWs and address the concerns and needs of CSWs. My plan is to diligently fight for BU 723. When we fight, we win!


This candidate is in tune with the needs of the CSW’s that do this job on a daily basis. This candidate understands the importance of earning a wage that will enhance one’s daily quality of life. This candidate is committed to obtaining the best possible pay increase for current and future generations of Child Social Workers/ Union Members.


My Is Robert Becerril And I have been a case carrying CS w for the department of children family services for 19 years.As well as a office steward at the metro North office. I have seen a lot of changes within the DCFS and believe that I can avocate for the needs of our members


My name is Alexia Boyd, and I am requesting to represent you for our upcoming contract negotiations. I have worked in the capacity of a CSW in Continuing Services at the South County office for over 8 years. Six of which, I have served as an AB12 CSW, and Local 721 Union Steward. With your help, I will advocate for reduced caseloads/workload, language to address retention, and an increase in pay. Vote for me to be your advocate and watch me fight for Local 721!


I have been office leadership in LMC and with the union for a few years. Our team has done great work with our worksite organizers and I would love an opportunity to step up and do some work countywide.


Our Team of “Social workers United” has stood strong to getting our members the best contract language, raises and benefits possible in LA County. Vote for me and Social Workers United! We got no felonys!


I am ready to negotiate the contract that you deserve!

I have been a union steward for over 25 yrs and a CSW for 30 years and currently working as an MSW ACSW at the TSCF. I have advocated for items that our CSWs deserved and won.

With your support I can advocate for you and negotiate the right contract that fits the needs of our staff in order to adequately provide for our families in this economy.

Thank you for your support!

Make your vote your count!


I am nominating CSW Almira Garza who has the experience and dedication needed to represent us members during contract negotiations. She is a leader we need for bargaining.


I want to be part of bargaining team and discuss our next contract.


I have 7 years as a CSW and want to support and assist in providing a voice for all CSWs who work on the ground with as much support, appreciation, and determination to fight for the care and protection of all including the families to help us do our jobs day in and day out!


No Statement Submitted


I am Trisha; I am a CSW here at DCFS for over 17 years and stop counting. I have been an advocate the entire time here with DCFS for us employees. Now it is time to be part of a team who will fight for better options for all of us, and I enjoy having us win. I am an advocate for having our voices heard and listen too is the mission. Let us get more benefits not less. I see the candidates who have serve, let us vote new voices and names, and yes mine please.


My name is Jazmine Loreto, and I am a proud steward and member of SEIU 721. We fought hard during the last bargaining cycle as The Social Workers United team. I am asking for your vote because Im ready to fight hard again for better contract language, benefits, and raises.


Hello, My name is Holly Mann. July 1st will mark 14 years as a Childrens Social Worker in the Compton-Carson Office. I started as a an ER Worker, I’ve been a DI about 11 years. I had the privilege to be part of the past two bargaining contracts and our work is not done! We had some great wins last year and its important to keep the momentum going. I am excited to continue to ensure your voices are heard. REMEMBER WHEN SOCIAL WORKERS ARE UNITED WE CANT BE DIVIDED!


I have 19 years of experience working for DCFS, and I have participated in the past four Bargaining Teams. I have come to learn of many management tactics that are used by management to delay any resolution for simple issues at work including using these tactics against the Bargaining Team. Although there are challenges with the State’s budget, we can improve our work conditions and attempt to raise our salaries to keep up with inflation.


No Statement Submitted


Brandon loves to be in the mix of changing the system and making things better! He is always willing to be a part of a better system and works hard for change!


No Statement Submitted


This candidate is in tune with the needs of the CSW’s that do this job on a daily basis. This candidate understands the importance of earning a wage that will enhance one’s daily quality of life. This candidate is committed to obtaining the best possible pay increase for current and future generations of Child Social Workers/ Union Members.


No Statement Submitted


I am a great candidate because of my passion for the job of social work, and my desire to be a part of a team that fights for increase in pay and reduce caseloads.
I have been with the county for 5 years as a CS Social Worker, and I have a vast amount of knowledge of what is working and what doesnt work. In addition, I have spent decades in management and compliance prior to DCFS. I have overseen compliance audits with federal regulators, e.g. OCC & Fair Housing.


As a previous bargaining member during our last contract negotiations, I fought hard to get first time representation and protections for specialized programs such as Adoptions and Resource Family support in the contract, which is a historic win for our workers! I have experience in tough negotiating with management on reducing caseloads and other gains for all workers as well as sitting on RFS, Adoptions Labor Management Committees and the Case Accountability Panel


I believe I am a excellent candidate to serve on the bargaining team as I want to be part of a strong team that works together to provide equitable decision making when it whether it is compensation or policy changes as it relates to our members and the work that we do. Additionally, I have over 35 years in soft people skills and I understand the art of negotiation.


I am committed to ensuring all CSWs voices matter. We are more than just a #. We are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children. We are people. People who should be valued not just by turning in our reports timely or not being on the over 30 list. We should be valued because we are here; doing the work that no one else wants to do. Working OT & making deadlines with heavy workloads. We are here to make sure that every child is safe. Recognize & Appreciate US!