
Governor’s Signature Means More Services in Peril

Cuts to services were compounded by the governor’s pencil. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed budget adopted by the Legislature on Friday, but he used his veto authority to cut about half a billion dollars more in spending – on top of $15 billion in cuts.

While the Governor and Legislature left oil and tobacco corporations tax free, LA County could lose about $190 million more. Click here to get involved.

Among the additional cuts the governor made on Tuesday are the following:

Child Welfare Services and Foster Care


• Cuts $80 million by reducing funding to counties for hiring of social workers.
• Cuts $26.6 million by reducing rates paid to group homes, foster family agencies, and on behalf of seriously emotionally disturbed children by 10 percent
• Cuts $5 million by reducing the funding available to provide transitional housing services to emancipating foster youth
• Cuts $4 million by reducing funding available to maintain the case management and reporting information technology system used by county social workers
• Cuts $4.2 million reducing funding for health oversight, case planning, and relative search and engagement activities
• Cuts $900,000 by eliminating automatic increases in financial support available to families adopting a child with special needs Prior to this, monthly Adoption Assistance Program grants automatically increased with the age of the child.

Healthy Families

• Cuts $50 million more from the health insurance program for low-income children for a total savings of $178.6 million. Health advocates estimate 500,000 children will lose insurance coverage.

• Cuts $60.5 million by reducing administrative costs.
Department of Aging 

• Cuts $6.2 million by eliminating two programs – Linkages and Community Based Services –
that help elderly and disabled people stay in their homes.
In-Home Support Services 

• Cuts $37.5 million more for a total of $90.5 million in cuts from the program that serves elderly, blind and/or disabled persons.
Public Health 

• Adolescent Family Life: Cuts $9 million by eliminating funding for the teen pregnancy program.
• Domestic Violence program: Cuts $16.3 million by eliminating funding of the program to help victims of domestic violence.
• AIDS Prevention and Treatment: Cuts $52 million by eliminating funding for various programs: education and prevention, therapeutic monitoring, counseling and testing, early intervention, home and community-based care and housing.
• Black Infant Health: Cuts $3 million by eliminating funding for the health education and social support program for pregnant black women and mothers.
Developmental Services – Early Start program 
• Cuts $50 million from the program that helps families whose babies are at risk for or have developmental disabilities.
Mental Health – Caregiver Resource Centers program 

• Cuts $4 million from the program that helps families caring for relatives with Alzheimer’s or other dementias.

• Cuts $705,000 by eliminating Curriculum Commission funding.
• Cal Grants: Cuts $2 million in administrative costs.
• UC Hastings College of Law: Cuts $1 million from the school in San Francisco .
California Conservation Corps  

• Cuts $8.2 million
California State Parks

• Cuts $6.2 million more for a total of $14.2 million in cuts that could result in closure of up to 100 state parks.
State departments

• Cuts $25 million that was set aside to pay for increases in employees’ health care costs.
Williamson Act 

• Cuts $27 million by reducing tax benefits for landowners whose properties are restricted from development to protect them as open space.
Revenue anticipation notes 

• Assumes $92 million in savings from interest payments to 2008-09 notes.