
721 Members Tell FedEx to Deliver Its Fair Share

Crowd200.jpgSEIU 721 members joined a coalition of union members and community activists at a lunchtown rally in Hollywood to bring attention to rich corporations that aren’t paying their share of taxes.The target of the event was FedEx, which made over $4 billion in profit last year but paid just 1% of that income in taxes.
“It’s just wrong,” said Joaquin Miramontes, a supervisor with the LA County Department of Child and FamilJoaquin80.jpgy Services. “If rich corporations like FedEx paid their share in taxes, then we could provide more services to families in Los Angeles.” LA County DCFS is one of the departments hit hard by recent cuts to the California state budget brought about by declining tax revenues. “I’m really worried about the kids who are going to fall through the cracks because of budget cuts,” Miranontes added.
Joining Miramontes and other members at the noon rally were members of the Teamsters union, SEIU members from sister unions and activists from Good Jobs LA.
The action was part of SEIU 721’s Fight For a Fair Economy, a campaign geared toward creating good jobs in Southern California and restoring the region’s middle class.
For more information or to get involved, contact Gail Gabler at (213) 738-8417.