
City of Los Angeles is Getting a Raise

The Good News: You’re not getting furloughed.
The Better News: You’re getting a raise.

On June 5, the City Council finalized its budget and took action on a draft “Resolution Declaring a Fiscal Emergency.”
No SEIU 721 members will be furloughed because of this resolution. We have a “no furlough” contract in place and we cannot be furloughed.
What’s more, because of the hard work we all did together, the budget that the Council passed contains no layoffs and no givebacks. We will all get the raises we negotiated last year.
Most of us will get the following raises:
3.75%    July 1, 2012
1.75%    July 1, 2013
5.5%      January 1, 2014
Members in MOUs 8 & 17 will get the following raises:
3%        June 30, 2013
1.5%     July 1, 2013
For more information, please contact your worksite organizer.
Download and print the flyer to distribute to your co-workers.