SEIU 721’s Bargaining Policy Committee has reached a Tentative Agreement on a new one-year Fringe Benefits Agreement that protects pensions, covers HMO health care premium increases, and puts a little more money in most employees’ pockets.

Options Health Benefits Plan
In response to SEIU 721’s initial bargaining proposal, the County will increase its contribution by 7.2% – more than enough to fully cover the Kaiser and United Healthcare HMO premium increases, which means more money in paychecks (see chart below).

The 7.2% County contribution increase is not enough to fully offset the PPO, POS or CIGNA HMO 2013 premium increases, which will be double-digit; however, CIGNA HMO participants will have an opportunity during open enrollment to switch to United Healthcare HMO which has the same network of physicians and a better benefit design, with savings to members of up to $64 per month.
Retirement Benefits
• There will be NO CHANGES to retirement benefits.
• The monthly dollar-for-dollar County matching contribution to the Horizons Deferred Compensation plan will remain at the 4% level for the term of the Agreement.
• SEIU Local 721 members will participate in a committee to explore ways to reduce the costs of retiree medical benefits.
Next Steps
: A comprehensive Tentative Agreement Summary will be mailed to all SEIU 721 members along with a ratification ballot at the end of the month.
For more information about the Tentative Agreement, join us at the
Contract Campaign Meeting
Saturday, July 14, 9:00 am
Holman United Methodist Church, 3320 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles
(between Arlington and Crenshaw).
Parking, child care, and continental breakfast provided.
Directions and RSVP here.
This meeting needs to start on time if you expect members to stay and listen. Is this meeting, in fact, going to allow for open discourse on this issue or it this just to pressure the members to accept the contract without being able to see the fine print?