
What’s Next for City Pensions?

On Sept. 25, the Los Angeles City Council took an initial vote to slash the pensions of future city workers. Hundreds of city workers showed up to protest the unilateral, illegal move. SEIU 721 members and others held a press conference outside and then marched into City Hall wearing “cheese head” hats to tell city leaders loud and clear: “We are not Wisconsin!”
SEIU 721 and the Coalition of L.A. City Unions will continue fighting to stop this power grab by the mayor and City Council.
On Thursday, Sept. 27, the Coalition held a Leadership Meeting to discuss what what the Council’s vote means, what the Coalition of L.A. City Unions is doing to save city workers’ pensions, what comes next and how members can get involved. At the meeting, members again expressed the need to make sure that the mayor and City Council don’t turn L.A. into another Wisconsin.

“I urge everyone to get involved to protect your pensions and preserve retirement security for future city workers. We have good pensions because union members won them decades ago. Now, it’s our turn. We can stand up for our generation of workers as we stand up for our children and grandchildren.”
-Simboa Wright
L.A. city wastewater collection worker