SEIU 721 members worked diligently on the County of Ventura Human Services Agency Workload Committee and lobbied the state Exchange Board to support eligibility workers. That hard work paid off with the County Board of Supervisors recently approving 61 new Human Services Agency positions with a unanimous 5-0 vote.
“As a result of our work on the Workload Committee, we’ve found that many of the issues stem from under-staffing and a need for more training. We also looked toward the future and saw the additional changes that the County will need to make to support the influx of new cases as a result of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.”
-Lupe Grimaldo, Human Services Agency Client Benefit Specialist for the County of Ventura
SEIU 721 Human Services Agency (HSA) members have been working on the HSA Workload Committee for over a year, tracking how areas of work are being impacted by increased caseloads, inefficiencies in the way work is being processed, under-staffing and a need for more training.
In addition, SEIU 721 members like Grace Sepulveda, Eligibility Specialist for the County of Ventura, have been attending California Health Benefit Exchange Board meetings in Sacramento to urge commissioners to adopt a model allowing county eligibility workers to assess Californians who call the Health Benefit Exchange to apply for coverage under the Affordable Care Act.
“I am happy to report that we convinced the Exchange Board that we are the experts, and that California counties should be the starting point for health exchange qualification.”
-Grace Sepulveda, Eligibility Specialist for the County of Ventura and SEIU 721 Executive Board member VP, Tri-Counties
When we fight for the benefits of the community, we win!
The County of Ventura works, Because We Do
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Categories: Tri-Counties