
SEIU Members Win More Funding for Courts

On May 23, dozens of SEIU 721 members joined court workers from across the state in Sacramento to urge California lawmakers to increase trial court funding. And we did it!
That day, the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Public Safety voted to increase statewide court funding by $100 million.
The much-needed funds, earmarked to keep trial courts running, will be an ongoing addition to the judicial branch’s budget.
Reginald Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles), chair of the budget subcommittee, discussed the need for the Administrative Office of the Courts to be more transparent and restore court services. He said, “Whatever they’ve cut, these monies are specifically to go to augmenting or hopefully reversing all of that.”
“Going to Sacramento was a great experience. We got to speak to lawmakers and take part in the hearing where court funding was restored. So many court employees who came were new to activism. This is the kind of work that it takes to win.”
-Linda Mascorro, LA County Superior Court Service Assistant

A Step Forward
The SEIU statewide courts coalition won this victory. Click here to read an article about it.
In Southern California, SEIU 721 members will continue the struggle to stop court closures, cuts and layoffs.
Download a flyer to post at your worksite.
For more information, contact SEIU Local 721 Worksite Organizers Wanda Bellamy: (213) 610-2146 or Earl Thompson: (213) 300-5529.