
Beaches and Harbor Grievance Moves to Arbitration

County Beach and Harbor stewards filed a grievance on behalf of all relevant drivers asking for a 3% bonus for MTD, RTD, PEO and UTO positions.  The County says when you are hired, the department requires drivers to hold an A/B license.

As a result of reviewing the four classifications, the Department will reclassify the Medium Truck Driver and Refuse Truck Driver to Heavy Truck Driver. If the CEO’s office approves this reclass, existing MTDs and RTDs will receive a salary increase.

DC Travin 80x80.jpg“We’re not giving up this fight. Now we have the third level response from the department so our next step is to take this grievance to arbitration.”
– DC Tarvin III, Steward and Beach Maintenace Supervisor, Redondo Beach  

Categories: Los Angeles County