
Vote Craig Winter to ensure our VCERA pensions are secured and guaranteed!

We need your help.

Pharmacist Craig Winter is an SEIU 721 member, and our endorsed candidate for the Ventura County Employees Retirement Association Board.

We need to make sure we re-elect Craig Winter to the VCERA Board! Ballots must be received by Monday, November 27th!

✖ Our public sector pensions are under attack, now, more than ever! It’s critical that we as Ventura County employees, stand up and make our voices heard!

✔ Craig helped lead efforts to get lawmakers and decision-makers to see the light on retirement security! He was instrumental in passing legislation that will help fortify our pensions! From Ventura to Sacramento, Craig has tirelessly represented the interests of all County workers!

✔ He is a long-time advocate committed to lowering VCERA expenditures! As a County worker who is counting on his pension, Craig has a stake in the game when it comes to our collective retirement security!

✔ Craig will continue to fight for us as workers, and for our families as well! VCERA is one of the most important elected bodies fighting for the interests of Ventura County workers. Our households depend on these election results, and only Ventura County, Courts, and Regional Sanitation District employees get to vote!

✔ He will help ensure that our pensions are secured and guaranteed! As our VCERA representative, Craig will continue to be our champion!

You will receive your ballot in the mail. Please fill in the oval next to Craig Winter’s name for VCERA. Put your ballot in the return envelope. Fill out the requested information. And mail it back right away!

Please call the Member Connection 1 (877) 721-4968, for more information, or to update your contact information today!

Together we rise!

In Unity,

Your SEIU Local 721 Action Team

Categories: Retirement