
Re-Elect Elizabeth Greenwood for Our LACERS Pension Board

Help re-elect Elizabeth Greenwood to our LACERS Pension board. Elizabeth has been standing up for City employees on the LACERS pension board for 10 years and recently she stood up for the health and safety of City employees when she blew the whistle on the dangerous and unsanitary working conditions around City Hall. We need her more than ever looking after our pensions!

Your ballot will arrive at your home in the mail around Friday, March 22. Join fellow union members and mark your ballot for Elizabeth Greenwood, and mail your ballot right away.

The best way to secure our pensions, is through sound investment policies. Elizabeth Greenwood has the experience to grow our fund and minimize investment fees.

>>Download the flyer

As LA City employees, we all want peace of mind and know that we will retire with comfort and dignity. Remember to look thru your mail on March 22 and vote for Elizabeth Greenwood for LACERS.

Paid for by Service Employees International Union Local 721, CTW, CLA Member Strength Fund 1545 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90017

Employees are prohibited from using City time or City resources to further the campaign or election of any candidate.

Categories: COPE