By now, SEIU 721 members under the Ventura County Employees Retirement Association (VCERA) pensions board – County of Ventura, Ventura Superior Court and Ventura Regional Sanitation District – should have received their VCERA ballots.
We need your help.
Now more than ever it is critical that we elect board members who have the experience and knowledge to help guarantee and secure our pensions
Mark your VCERA ballot for Jordan Paul Roberts, a Training Supervisor, Public Safety Dispatcher for the County of Ventura and SEIU Local 721 member.
Ballots must be received by September 16th at 5PM!
You can hand deliver your ballot, send it via U.S. Mail or to send it via Brown mail (#1200) to the Elections Division. The Elections Division is in the basement floor of the Hall of Administration at 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, CA
- Jordan is a previous member of the County of Ventura bargaining team
- Jordan has taken a strong role at his worksite to build membership and to strengthen our union voice
- Jordan has the patience and the experience to figure out the tough problems and to come up with the necessary solutions during emergencies and that will help as he secures our retirement
Make sure to vote in time to make your voice count! If you are attending the Ventura Rising Together Summit on September 14th, drop off your ballot and we’ll make sure it goes to the Elections Division in time to count.