
Victory on COVID-19 Break Rooms in North LA County Regional Center

Oftentimes, it’s workers on the frontline who identify the best solutions to job site challenges. That was proven true recently at the North LA County Regional Center, where COVID-19 prevention measures went from draconian to common sense because our members stood together and demanded it through our union.

Management at the North LA County Regional Center had implemented a policy requiring a Human Resources representative – or a non-represented employee – to conduct break room checks during break times. The reason? To enforce COVID-19 social distancing and other protocols.

But our members noted that plenty of unused conference rooms sat empty throughout the North LA County Regional Center. We didn’t need break room checks. We needed to convert those unused conference rooms into break rooms!

SEIU 721 union chapter leaders made our formal case to North LA County Regional Center management. Now, they’ve officially responded – and we’re getting what we want.


Our jobs already come with a fair amount of stress that must be managed if we’re to do our jobs effectively. That’s why our break time is important.

If we skip a break, we risk making a mistake on the job because we made the mistake of not taking care of ourselves. Our union is here to remind management – and to help us remind each other – about this fact.

Everyone understands we need to do everything we can to fight the spread of COVID-19. But regulations must be reasonable – especially when clear options already exist to help us meet new COVID-19 rules while upholding workers’ rights and ensuring a work-life balance, too.

As the slogan of our new COVID-19 era goes, we’re all in this together. But let this victory at the North LA County Regional Center also be a reminder of our union’s timeless motto: When we fight, we win!

So be sure to stay in the loop on everything our union is doing. Text SEIU to 31996 for real-time updates. Make sure your registration with us is up to date so that we send union-related info specific to you. And follow us on social media!

Categories: Covid19 | Los Angeles County