The number of COVID-19 cases has surged by 430% over the last two weeks. Just yesterday alone, LA County recorded almost 37,000 positive cases, with over 8,600 people hospitalized throughout California.
That’s why today, our SEIU 721 President David Green delivered official correspondence to the LA County Board of Supervisors calling on them to reissue an emergency telework directive, and to offer accommodations to employees who are complying with mandatory quarantines.

Here’s an excerpt from the letter:
…we call on you to take steps to ensure the health and safety of your workers, and treat fairly those who have contracted the coronavirus:
· Reissue an emergency telework directive to County Department Heads aimed at maximizing the number of County employees who can work remotely, thereby reducing their own risk and the risk they might pose to others.
· Until the state of California acts to extend Supplemental Paid Sick Leave, direct County departments to offer accommodations to employees who are complying with mandatory quarantines. Allow employees to telework during a required quarantine, rather than utilize regular sick leave or suffer loss of pay. If remote work is not feasible, place quarantining employees on paid administrative leave. |
To the extent that a person’s job duties can be done remotely, the County should allow full-time telework for those who can and want to telework.
Also, until the services and institutions workers rely on for childcare and eldercare return to normal, telework should be made available to help us meet our work and personal obligations.
Yes, my babies day care is closed for two weeks do to her catching covid, but my boss told me she doesnt care and there is nothing she can do for me. She straight out told me, there are other day cares out there. She wants me to leave my baby with a stranger.
Is SEIU 721 working on something similar that will apply to LA city employees and each of the city’s departments?
excellent question, I have forwarded this your worksite representative. She can help w/ that.
I totally agreed with this letter. Social Workers are doing home visits and it is very dangerous for both the recipients and Workers due to Omicron. It has to stop.
Let’s fight
Good going Union! We’ll get this done!
We’re Fighter’s, to the victory!
We’ll win despite the odds!
Any County employee who can perform all of their duties remotely, should be working remotely a majority of their time – pandemic or not. Wasting office space, increasing traffic, taking up parking spaces… for what? So failed middle managers can stare at them sitting in a chair?
Any updates on this? My job at child support can be done 100% remotely but my department hasn’t said a word about allowing us 100% telework temporarily. They are being suspiciously quiet about everything
All workers able and willing to telework should be able to Telework if their duties permit, offices should not retaliate against those worker that are fighting to keep their families safe!!