Bargaining Basics
Preservation of county services – better for the public, better for workers.
More than ever our services are in demand and we need to work in partnership to maintain them in the most efficient way possible. Now is not the time to limit access to critical public assistance. The Board of Supervisors knows this, that’s why it acted to increase access to food stamps for middle class families to bridge this tough time. We also see the importance of public services with the epidemic H1N1, or swine flu. Public health epidemiologists, nurses and others are on the frontlines ensuring that we are safe from widespread outbreak and panic.
Innovation to make county services more efficient and cost-effective.
The right tools and training are key to doing our jobs more effectively. SEIU 721 members are on the frontlines of public service every day. We see how services can be improved, lines shortened, safety measures enhanced, fewer busy signals, more direct access to information. We are prepared to address these issues this year.
We also will work to make changes – from simple to more complex – to make Los Angeles County greener. This includes proposals to cut down on congestion, traffic air pollution, water and energy usage and more. As the largest employer in the region making these choices will benefits every one of our millions of residents.
Maintains the benefits we’ve fought so hard to win.
Often times our members work behind the scenes without much recognition doing everything to keep the county running. Only rarely do we hear about their accomplishments, but their work enhances the lives of every resident; from a trip to the ER to monitoring the health safety in restaurants to educating children to testing our drinking water. We respect and value these contributions and we need to ensure the members of SEIU 721 maintain the benefits we need.
The Contract Action Team is the bridge between SEIU members at the worksite and members at the bargaining table. This year, we’re facing serious challenges in bargaining, but with your involvement in the Contract Action Team, we can tackle our issues and build a better LA County together. Get involved by assigning a Contract Action Team (CAT) member from your work area to get involved in negotiations.
CAT members will:
• Communicate information to the membership from the bargaining table
• Relay important issues from the membership to the bargaining team
• Organize and mobilize members to win a strong contract and improve our jobs
This is our opportunity to secure the gains we’ve achieved over the years, improve the County’s practices and the services we provide every day. Sign up today become a CAT team member. Just fill out the contact us form and let us know that you’re interested.
Bargaining Team
A group of workers elected to represent workers of a single occupation or worksite in negotiations with the employer.
Bargaining Policy Committee
(click here for contact info)
PURPOSE: The BPC is responsible for coordinating bargaining and negotiating fringe benefits and common language articles. It also negotiates or consults with Management on issues that impact all LA County employees, e.g. Civil Service Rules and Dress Codes.
MISSION: To coordinate union-wide responses to Management bargaining demands or policy changes, to advance unified member and bargaining unit interests, and to ensure member involvement in all aspects of labor/management relations.
VISION: Only through coordinated and organized action can we best advance the interests of our members and our Local.