Bylaws Timeline
Jan. 2008: Draft bylaws mailed to all members in advance of regional meetings.
Oct. 4 LA: More than 600 members weigh in on Governance Working Group’s twelfth draft of the bylaws in Los Angeles. They ask that the committee be opened to all members.
Oct. 11: Ventura members meet to discuss draft bylaws.
Oct. 25: Riverside members meet to discuss draft bylaws.
Jan. 6, 2009: President Bob Schoonover opens Working Group to all interested members.
Jan. 24: First of seven general membership meetings on governance structure for SEIU 721. More than 200 attend and video conference from Ventura, Riverside and Santa Ana. Members approve ground rules and begin review of the twelfth draft.
Feb – April: Members hold six more meetings open to all across Southern California. They elect officers and approve membership dues, governance structure, rights of members and other key provisions.
May 2: Working Group members from every region vote to approve bylaws 285 to 46.
Oct. 28: 721 interim executive board reviews and approves the bylaws approved by working group. Bylaws sent to International Union for review.
Nov. 5: SEIU review complete. Executive board approves final draft for member ratification with changes based on SEIU review.
Dec. 4: Election begins by mail ballot. Ballots are due back by Dec. 18
Dec. 18: Vote count at 500 S. Virgil Ave in Los Angeles.
Charley Mims, Chair, Governance Working Group