A: Why are we organizing? For decades, higher education has trended away from tenure-track positions in favor of contingent, non-tenure track teaching appointments that offer no job security, much lower wages, and limited to no opportunities for advancement. USD is part of this trend: Many of its Read More...

About the USD NTT Faculty Union

Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Faculty members at the University of San Diego (USD) do much — in some units most — of the teaching. Despite our vital work, we lack basic protections and rights that are considered a Read More...

Otis College Members: We Reached a TA!

Our elected bargaining team reached a tentative agreement (TA) with the administration! Now, we're voting on ratifying the TA, which, if approved, will represent our new union contract lasting through Sept. 30, 2026. Here is the information for online and in-person voting Read More...

Otis Rally on 8.21 and Latest Win!

Otis Part-Time Faculty had an overwhelming 100% YES strike authorization vote on Aug. 14 and now there's more breaking news: We've been meeting to resolve the reduction of hours and pay issue for Read More...

CAS NTT Faculty: Meet Your Bargaining Action Team (BAT)!

USD CAS NTT Faculty Members, After two weeks of voting, we’re proud to announce our Bargaining Action Team (BAT): Thank you to our candidates, and to those who voted! You can learn more about BAT members from their candidate statements. Alongside our chief negotiator, an attorney Read More...

USD Bargaining Frequently Asked Questions

I voted in the union election. Do I still need to sign a membership card? How do I sign a membership card? That is great, your vote made a difference - we won with a huge margin (169 yes to 13 no Read More...