This Labor Day, rest up for the big battle ahead

It’s been a momentous Summer on top of an extraordinarily challenging year that, much like the COVID-19 pandemic, is not over yet. For many of us, as SEIU 721 Members, it has been especially difficult. We make up much Read More...

SEIU 721 Victory! June 6, 2017 Election Results:

Our hard work paid off!After weeks of knocking on doors, making calls, and getting voters to the polls for our endorsed candidates, we have elected women and men who will fight for households like yours and mine.We work hard, and we live up to our values. We are proud to Read More...

Protect Your Ability to Seek Justice #StopGorsuch

Act now to protect the Supreme Court! Neil Gorsuch is anti-worker, anti-Union, pro-corporation, and pro 1%. Call the US Senate to reject his nomination today! 1-855-713-0060We need to call our Senators and demand they reject the nomination of Judge Gorsuch to the US Supreme Court. Gorsuch has a Read More...