Accountable California Hotline

The Center for Public Accountability maintains the Accountable California hotline to assist SEIU 721 members and other members of the public in improving quality public services by reporting waste, fraud and illegal activities.

Use this web form to make your report or call 888-734-8660

In addition, government agencies have set up whistleblower hotlines to encourage reporting of waste, fraud and illegal activities:

California State Attorney General Whistleblower Hotline
The California Attorney General maintains a whistleblower hotline to receive information from employees regarding possible violation of state or federal law or violations of fiduciary responsibility by a corporation to its shareholders, investors, or employees. The attorney general refers calls received on the hotline to the appropriate government agency for review and possible investigation. The Attorney General’s Whistleblower Hotline is 800-952-5225 (for California residents) or 916-322-3360 (for out-of-state residents). Written complaints may be filed with the attorney general’s office by writing to P.O. Box 94255, Sacramento, CA 94244-2550, or by using the online form.

California State Auditor Hotline
State employees and members of the public can report improper governmental activity with California State Auditor as part of the California Whistleblower Protection Act. Complaints received by the auditor shall remain confidential and the identity of the complainant may not be revealed without the permission of the complainant, except to an appropriate law enforcement agency conducting a criminal investigation.

Los Angeles County Fraud Hotline
The Los Angeles County Fraud Hotline is a 24-hour online, telephone, fax and email mechanism for reporting suspected fraud or other misconduct by county employees, contractors and vendors.  The online feature of the hotline can also be used to get the status of previously filed complaints.

City of Los Angeles Controller’s Fraud Hotline
The Controller’s Fraud Hotline reporting system is a confidential and anonymous way for reporting fraud, waste, or abuse of City resources. Report your concerns at 866-428-1514 or use the online form.