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“I hope everybody sees the importance of these bylaws, developed by the members and for the members in an open, inclusive, transparent process. They’ll help the union grow strong and move forward.”
Lance Delaney, Senior Gardener, LA City Recreation & Parks

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“Soon you will receive a copy of the new SEIU 721 bylaws.  Every member should read them than take the next step and get involved with your union.   It’s a great investment in your future.”
Marianne Robles, Administrative Assistant/Public Works, City of Oxnard

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“The bylaws are about union democracy and members having their voices heard.  Even though we have thousands of members, the bylaws allow us to speak with one powerful voice.  That’s why I’m voting yes!”
Marrisa Ruiz, Children’s Social Worker, Pasadena


“As a steward, I’ve been invested in our union for years helping member with grievances. Participating in the bylaws process strengthened my dedication even more, because my efforts went to something great, something that would help shape the future of our union.”
Frank Corral, City Of Riverside Graffiti Education Coordinator  

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“Thousands of volunteer hours were spent by SEIU 721 members creating these bylaws.  I’m voting yes because the new bylaws consider the needs of the entire membership while making us stronger.”  
Arnulfo “AC” Carbajal, Supervising Environmental Health Specialist, Ventura County

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“The new bylaws strengthen us as a union and provide us with a clear direction to move forward.”
Rosie Ornelas, Volunteer Coordinator, City of Ventura

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“The bylaws allows members from every region to be represented and heard. I can look directly to our Riverside County leadership and feel confident that my concerns are being shared in order to help improve our union.”
Kevin Luke, Riverside County Children’s Protective Services Supervisor

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“I’m voting yes because these bylaws empower members on the chapter, region and the entire local level.”
Rey Ybarra, Eligibility Worker/Dept of Social Services, Santa Barbara County

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“I recommend a yes vote on the new by-laws. Member input shaped it as a strategic document that will help the local be strong and driven by the members.”
Sharie Caciappo-Jones,  Inglewood


“In Riverside, we saw unprecedented participation in the bylaws process that ensured everybody helped build a democratic framework that equally represents all SEIU 721 members.”
Wendy Thomas, Riverside County Communications Supervisor    

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“For me, law and order is very important and these bylaws are about fairness and moving forward with building our union. We wouldn’t be where we are without them.”
Carol Maxey-Ware,  Intermediate Clerk at Registrar Recorder/County Clerk

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“This is a strong document. A lot of opinions and heated discussions went into making it that way. I hope members take the time to read it and vote on it, so we can have this continuity in moving forward to the future.”
Ray Rice, Heavy Duty Equip. Mechanic, GSD Fleet Services

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“I support the bylaws so we can have a standardized union — no flip-flopping around. The bylaws are a two-way mirror and we need to pass them so we have transparency — board and members alike can see each other and know what’s going on.”
Deloris Hodge, Nurse-Midwife, Harbor UCLA Medical Center

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“I support these bylaws because being a union that works together will give us the strength we need to achieve our goals.”
Sidney Pearson,  Custodian Supervisor, LAC+USC Medical Center