5.02.060 Retaliation for reporting fraud, waste or misuse of county resources prohibited.

A. No officer or employee of the county of Los Angeles shall use or threaten to use any official authority or influence to restrain or prevent any other person, acting in good faith and upon reasonable belief, from reporting or otherwise bringing to the attention of the county auditor-controller or other appropriate agency, office or department of the county of Los Angeles any information which, if true, would constitute: a work-related violation by a county officer or employee of any law or regulation; gross waste of county funds; gross abuse of authority; a specific and substantial danger to public health or safety due to an act or omission of a county official or employee; use of a county office or position or of county resources for personal gain; or a conflict of interest of a county officer or employee.

B. No officer or employee of the county of Los Angeles shall use or threaten to use any official authority or influence to effect any action as a reprisal against a county officer or employee who reports or otherwise brings to the attention of the auditor-controller or other appropriate agency, office or department of the county of Los Angeles any information regarding subjects described in subsection A of this section.

C. Any person who believes that he or she has been subjected to any action prohibited in subsections A or B of this section may file a complaint with the director of personnel. The director shall investigate the complaint and thereafter prepare a report thereon which shall be forwarded to the board of supervisors.

D. Any officer or employee of the county of Los Angeles who knowingly engages in conduct prohibited by this section shall be disciplined, including but not limited to discharge, in accordance with the personnel rules and regulations of the county of Los Angeles. (Ord. 88-0162 § 1, 1988.)