Take Action Against Contracting Out Eligibility Services
The latest budget includes the legislature’s proposal to privatize eligibility services. This is a high risk, costly approach that has been tried and failed in Texas, Indiana, Colorado, or Florida to the detriment of taxpayers and clients. How can it work in California? It won’t.
- Contracting out initiatives have failed miserably in other states
- Significant short-term costs with no long-term savings.
- Vulnerable families will be harmed
Call local State Senator & Senate Human Service Committee members Carol Liu and Abel Maldonado and tell them:
Call local State Senator & Senate Human Service Committee members Carol Liu and Abel Maldonado and tell them:
“Privatizing of Eligibility services has not worked in: Texas, Indiana,Colorado, or Florida. If you approve this vulnerable families will be harmed. This proposal will have significant upfront costs, and no long term savings. I’m a Californian, I support raising taxes if it means saving vital public services.”
Senator Carol Liu
(818) 409-0400
(916) 651-4021
Senator Abel Maldonado
(805) 549-3784
(916) 651-4015