University of San Diego Faculty Union

Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Faculty members at the University of San Diego (USD) do much — in some units most — of the teaching. Despite our vital work, we lack basic protections and rights that are considered a baseline for other workers. 

As part of a nationwide trend, USD continues to reduce tenure-track positions in favor of contingent, non-tenure track teaching appointments that offer no job security, much lower wages, and limited opportunities for advancement. These conditions affect student learning by limiting our ability to provide quality instruction and mentorship to our students, and they hold us back from becoming fully acknowledged and included members of the campus community.

That’s why NTT Faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences at USD are forming their union with SEIU Local 721. Only with a union can we build the power we need to gain the rights and protections we deserve. 

NTT Faculty in other units on campus are building support to join SEIU 721, too. If you’re an NTT Faculty member who supports forming a union — whether you teach in CAS or another unit — then use the button below to fill out your union authorization card.

Read our letter to fellow NTT Faculty to learn more: Dear Colleagues

Latest News

USD Bargaining Frequently Asked Questions

I voted in the union election. Do I still need to sign a membership card? How do I sign a membership card? That is great, your vote made a difference – we won with a huge margin (169 yes to 13 no). Yes, you still need to fill out a … Read More

University of San Diego’s NTT Faculty in CAS Join SEIU 721!

Non-tenure track (NTT) faculty in the University of San Diego’s (USD) College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) voted overwhelmingly to join SEIU Local 721, according to ballots tallied Tuesday, June 18, by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The over 300 faculty members teach courses in various fields, including anthropology, … Read More

USD NTT Faculty in CAS: PLEASE READ for Important Information About Our Upcoming Union Election

UPDATED MAY 15, 2024. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has ordered a new union election for non-tenure track (NTT) faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). All CAS NTT faculty will need to submit new ballots by mail. Info about our new election: Ballots will be mailed … Read More

NLRB Rejects USD’s Attempt to Delay NTT Union Election!

Today, the National Labor Relations Board in Washington, D.C., rejected an appeal by USD’s administration to delay our union election and the university’s suggestion that almost 20% of non-tenure track (NTT) faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) should be excluded! Our vote will proceed as planned! This is a major victory … Read More

USD NTT Faculty: See Our Letters of Support from Union Faculty, Elected Officials, and Community Leaders!

University of San Diego (USD) non-tenure track (NTT) faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS): We’re proud to have support for our union campaign from elected officials, community leaders, and unionized NTT faculty across the country! Our supporters know that we need a change. As part of a nationwide … Read More

Get the Facts on our USD NTT Faculty Union Election and Campaign

UPDATED: May 20, 2024. Election FAQ for our vote-by-mail union election: Q: Is there a new election?  Yes, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ordered a new mail-ballot union election for non-tenure track (NTT) faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) because of an issue with ballot delivery … Read More

The Union Difference at University of San Diego

Non-tenure track (NTT) faculty at the University of San Diego are the heart of our institution. We do most of the teaching and carry out the core functions of our university: instruction, mentoring, research, service, and preparing the next generation of leaders in academia and beyond. Yet, we have little … Read More

San Diego Mayor and USD Alum Todd Gloria Stands with NTT Faculty!

We’re proud to announce that San Diego Mayor and University of San Diego (USD) Alum Todd Gloria stands with NTT Faculty! On April 9, Gloria wrote to USD President James T. Harris that the university should: Respect NTT Faculty’s rights and refrain from interference or retaliation for their protected labor … Read More

Dear USD Colleagues – A Letter From the Organizing Committee

Dear Colleagues, For decades, higher education has trended away from tenure-track positions in favor of contingent, non-tenure track teaching appointments that offer no job security, much lower wages, and limited to no opportunities for advancement. The University of San Diego (USD) is part of this trend: Its Non-Tenure Track (NTT) … Read More

About the Campaign

Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Faculty at the University of San Diego (USD) are coming together to reform and improve our campus. For too long, we’ve held precarious positions with low pay, little job security, no meaningful academic freedom, and few opportunities for advancement. These conditions affect student learning, and they often interfere with our efforts to be the most effective educators and mentors we can be. We believe our USD students and families deserve more. 

We love USD, we love our students, and we are committed to the university’s mission of “advancing academic excellence to create a more inclusive, sustainable, and hopeful world.” Though we come from different backgrounds, all NTT Faculty at USD aim to make our university the best learning and mentorship environment possible for students, while also endeavoring to make progress in our fields.

Our working conditions must change for us to be the best professors and scholars we can be. That’s why the NTT Faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences at USD are forming a union with SEIU Local 721. Only with a union can we build the power we need to gain the rights and protections we deserve.  

NTT Faculty in other units on campus are building support to join SEIU 721, too. If you’re an NTT Faculty member who supports forming a union — whether you teach in CAS or another unit —  then use the button below to fill out your union authorization card.

We believe the time is now to call on USD to live up to its Catholic values and respect us and our rights.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has ordered a new union election for non-tenure track (NTT) faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). All CAS NTT faculty will need to submit new ballots by mail.

Info about our new election:

  • Ballots will be mailed by the NLRB to CAS NTT faculty on Monday, May 20, 2024.
  • If you received a ballot in the mail already, or if you receive one before May 20, please discard it and wait for a new ballot to submit.
  • CAS NTT faculty recommend sending back your YES vote as soon as possible. Ballots will be collected and counted on June 18 at 2:30 PM, and results will be announced soon after that. Ballots must be received before then.
  • With your ballot, you’ll get both a blue and yellow envelope. Place your completed ballot in the blue envelope, and then put the blue envelope in the yellow return envelope — which will include a return address. No postage necessary.
  • You must sign the back of the yellow return envelope in the provided space. Any ballot in an envelope that is not signed will NOT be counted.

Employees who believe that they are eligible to vote and do not receive a ballot in the mail by Tuesday, May 28, 2024, or those who need a duplicate ballot, should call the NLRB Region 21 office at 213-894-5254 immediately. If there is no answer, please leave a voicemail with your full name, title, employer’s name (the University of San Diego), and a short message with the address you’d like the ballot mailed to and a phone number for a callback. You should also follow these instructions if you’re going to be away from your normal address during the election, and would like your ballot to be sent to a different address.

Who’s Eligible To Vote?

Eligible voters include all full-time and part-time non-tenure track faculty, including with the title of Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Adjunct Instructor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Professor of Practice, Visiting Assistant Professor, and Applied Music Instructor, who are employed by the University of San Diego (USD) and taught at least one credit-earning class, section, lesson, or lab within the academic unit known as the USD College of Arts and Science in the semesters spring 2023, fall 2023, or spring 2024.

“NTT faculty are a vital, significant, and vibrant part of the USD campus community. We do the majority of teaching on campus, in addition to serving our students and colleagues in so many other ways. And yet, often the University does not recognize us, listen to us, or invest in us as the as the essential faculty that we are. It is my hope that Non-Tenure Track unionization will be an important way to ensure that we are properly heard, respected, and valued at USD. ”
Holly Hamilton-Bleakley
Adjunct Assistant Professor

“As internship coordinator, I help students and alumni find internships and ultimately full-time jobs. Over the past few years, I’ve observed that the starting salaries for our alumni in entry level positions have consistently exceeded the salary I make after teaching courses at USD for over 29 years. At USD our compensation should be at least a livable wage for Southern California and should be commensurate with experience.”
Eric Cathcart
Assistant Teaching Professor

“Security and dignity make us better teachers and are what every member of our community deserves. I believe unionization will help non-tenure track faculty enjoy working conditions that reflect the value we bring to the university.”
Jonathan Wadley
Adjunct Assistant Professor

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