
Latino Caucus Summit Stresses ‘Families and Communities’

Over 300 SEIU members from Southern California and across the country gathered from September 30 to October 1 for a pre-convention Latino Caucus Summit.
At the weekend-long event, members came together to find solutions to what SEIU 721 Chief of Staff and National Latino Caucus Co-chair Gilda Valdez called “the critical issues facing our Latino families and communities.” Those issues included immigration, encouraging strong Latino leadership, stimulating union growth among Latinos and reinforcing political power.
David-Nieto80x80.jpg“The summit helped us refine and define the issues of importance to the Latino community,” said Library Assistant David Nieto, who chairs the SEIU 721 Latino Caucus. “Going into an election year, we understand what’s at risk for us. For example, there are 10 million unregistered Latino voters out there who have the potential to make a difference in improving our community. We have to ensure they go to the polls.”
VillaraigosaLAtCaucus80x80.jpgWhile most of the weekend summit was devoted to hard work, members also attended a Friday night reception with elected officials in LA City Hall’s Tom Bradley Room. Guests included Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Councilman Ed Reyes and Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard. You can see pictures of the event below or by clicking here.
For more information, contact  David Nieto at 213-368-8660.