
Building Worker Strength Through Immigration Reform

Oscar-Valladares_at-Convention-Mic_300x197.jpgDuring the convention, Local 721 spearheaded support for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform that values the contribution of immigrants” and called for a process to bring “dignity and respect” to all workers. SEIU moved to promote the urgent need to provide a Temporary Protected Status for Guatemalans workers based on the “devastating environmental and economic damage” their country has endured since early 2010.
I am proud and honored to be part of a union that opposes unrealistic, punitive, anti-immigrants measures and calls for the full legalization and integration of immigrants into our society. I left the convention motivated and convinced that worker-based movements are crucial to developing a more equitable society that stands on the two pillars of dignity and respect for all. 
–Oscar ValladaresDeputy Public Conservator/AdministratorOffice of the Public GuardianLA County Department of Mental Health
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Sara Garcia

Muchisimas gracias SEIU 721 por todo el apoyo que an dado a los Guatemaltecos. Pofavor sigan apoyanos.

Jack Lowe

Notice what the SEIU managment is doing here…..using the Guatemalan immigrant issue as a cover for all “comprehensive immigration reform.” (“dignity and respect” for all workers.) What is “temporary protected status.” ? Is it similar to President Obama’s recent executive directive ? Will it just be for Guatemalans, and for how long ?

There are some SEIU members who think management is using our union as an organzing tool for illegal aliens…..errrr…..undocumented immigrants. Very similar to the Catholic Church using itself as an illegal immigrant organizing tool, to deflect attention away from its’ other gaffes.

Carlos Bautista

Gracia SEIU Local 721. Por su solidarid con una Nacion que lucha por un reconocimiento. por una protecion temporal TPS, su solidaridad sera historica para Guatemala, gracias Oscar Valladares por su lucha.
Carlos Bautista.
RPDG Comite California.

Ruben Tapia

Felicidades al SEIU Local 721 por apoyar la justa demanda de nuestros herman@s guatemaltec@s para que la administracion Obama les otorgue un TPS y mas adelante una residencia permanente. Los gobiernos de EU deben de reconocer la deuda que tiene con el pueblo guatemalteco por el apoyo que dieron y siguen dando, asi sea en menor medida a regimenes abusadores de los derechos humanos de sus habitantes y de manera especial las comunidades indigenas. Buen trabajo Oscar y Azalea. Se hace camino al andar.

Ruben Tapia
Enfoque Latino de KPFK – Los Angeles.

Refugio Ceballos

I support and encourage other Unions and Union Members to support the Guatemalan TPS , for immigrants ; as we Union Members must support our hard working brothers who have assisted us in labor and find their own country in difficult times . I am sure they would do the same if the tables were reversed . Remember unions mean we work together . So in this year of decision and compassion let all the other unions joint in on this humanitarian act an prove that United We Rise .

39 year IBEW Local 889 Union Member
Refugio Ceballos

Ernest Baiden

Few people, if any, ever dare to take on unique issues further away from the spot-light. For Mr. Valladares to draw our to the plight of poeple affected by natural disaster in a unique part of the world is special in deed. Let us all join hands to support this cause.

Karina Macias

I congratulate SEIU for standing up for their immigrant brothers and sisters, especially for providing a voice of support for TPS for Guatemalans. My hope is that this step will continue to foster other partners that will decided to support the campaign and make TPS happen for Guatemalans. This is the type of solidarity that is needed to forge ahead! Gracias a todos los lideres que llevan este movimiento para los Gualtemaltecos! Oscar, Azalea, y todos que han (y siguen) trabajando para ser el TPS una realidad!

Ana Silvia Monzón

Gracias Oscar, por llevar las voces y esperanzas de miles de migrantes. Voces como las de Oscar, de Azalea V. Ryckman nuestra compañera de Mujeres Abriendo Caminos, de la Red para la Paz y el Desarrollo, y de otras organizaciones que luchan por las causas de las y los migrantes, son necesarias para llamar la atención al drama humano que significa vivir con temor a ser separados/as de sus familias, a enfrentar represión o sufrir deportación por ser indocumentados/as. Gracias SEIU 721 por la solidaridad con las/los trabajadoras/es migrantes guatemaltecas/os. La unión hace la fuerza Ana Silvia Monzón Cofundadora de… Read more »


Gracias Oscar Y Azalea por ese apoyo solidario para la comunidad Guatemalteca en su lucha por un T.P.S la lucha es dificil por los ostaculos grandes que tenemos en este momento a todos pertenecientes a la Red tambien les agredecemos.

Daniel Velasquez

It is very encouraging for those Guatemalans in the U.S. working for a TPS to learn about the SEIU support for this cause. The Temporary Protection Status is the first step to achieve the emotional stability and legal support all immigrants in the U.S. deserve. Let’s continue the great work!


La Organizacion Voces Unidas Por Los Inmigrantes agradece mucho por su apoyo solidario Oscar y Azalea su lucha incondicional a favor del T.P.S para los Guatemaltecos “ojala” hubiere mas chapines uniendose para esta peticion que tan importante los miles de connacionales gracias hermanos hoy y siempre en la lucha por T P S..

Sara Garcia

Thank you to the SEIU’s for the support to the TPS for Guatemala. They need this support because their country is going through to many changeless that only the economy, natural disasters, education, Mal-nutrition with the children also with the hospitals not having enough medicine to treat sick and injure patients this county is in total chaos.

David Nieto

Another great reason to be proud of SEIU. Leading the way for social justice. The work done both at the worksite and in the community are examples of what can be achieved. Together we can make an all inclusive immigration reform possible. Together as one Union, one Voice. David Nieto Chair, Latino Caucus Otra gran razón para estar orgullosos de SEIU. Dirigiendo el camino a la justicia social. El trabajo realizado tanto en el lugar de trabajo y en la comunidad son ejemplos de lo que puede lograrse. Juntos podemos hacer una reforma migratoria con todo incluido posible. Juntos como… Read more »

Azalea Ryckman

Mi reconocimiento al Sindicato de Trabajadores SEIU local 721, reconocer la necesidad de una reforma migratoria es importante. Pero mas importante aun, es apoyar TPS para los y las Guatemaltecos que viven en USA. Ya que por mucho tiempo hemos sido olvidados. Siendo una mujer guatemalteca emigrante, estoy completamente de acuerdo con el mensaje de Oscar Valladares, dignidad y respeto para tod@s. Adelante! Azalea.

Raul Molina Mejia

I congratulate SEIU for its stand on immigration in general, and in particular for its commitment with a TPS for Guatemalans. As a Guatemalan, I have noticed a particular discrimination for our immigrants in numerous places in the United States. They need some protection, and SEIU’s position will be an example for trade unions and workers throughout the entire country. I totally agree with the remarks made by Oscar Valladares.

Erasmo Morales

Guatemala está en constante amenaza de desastres, por su ubicación geográfica, lo que agudiza su deteriorada situación económica y social. Nuestra gente trabajadora guatemalteca, se merece un TPS, para ayudar a sus familias y contribuir al desarrollo del país. Agradecemos el liderazgo del joven guatemalteco Oscar Valladares, al liderazgo de Azalea Ryckman en representación de las mujeres guatemaltecas, a todas las compañeras y compañeros, a la Dirigencia del Local SEIU721 nuestro agradecimiento por el apoyo importantísimo en esta lucha justa para nuestra comunidad.
Sigamos adelante, ¡Un TPS, Si se puede!

Erasmo Morales
Presidente RPDG

Jack Lowe

Notice what the SEIU managment is doing here…..using the Guatemalan immigrant issue as a cover for all “comprehensive immigration reform.” (“dignity and respect” for all workers.) What is “temporary protected status.” ? Is it similar to President Obama’s recent executive directive ? Will it just be for Guatemalans, and for how long ?

There are some SEIU members who think management is using our union as an organzing tool for illegal aliens…..errrr…..undocumented immigrants. Very similar to the Catholic Church using itself as an illegal immigrant organizing tool, to deflect attention away from its’ other gaffes.