
Supreme Court ‘Made the Right Call,’ Says President Schoonover

Schoonover-HC-Presser.jpgDuring a celebratory press conference, SEIU 721 President Bob Schoonover praised the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act, saying, “Today the Supreme Court made the right call. The justices rejected the selfish position of corporations and the 1 percent that says we should all be on our own and suffer and struggle when we get sick.This is a resounding victory for working people.”
SEIU 721 members, television cameras, local leaders and community activists all jockeyed for position at the event, which was held in front of LAC-USC Hospital, where thousands of SEIU 721 members work.
Click below to see a slideshow from the press conference.
Rodolfo-'Rudy'-Gaona_LACounty_80x80.jpgRudy Gaona, who works at LAC-USC and is an SEIU 721 executive board member, attended the press conference. He said today is a proud day for him and his co-workers. “This is a great victory for the whole health services community,” said Gaona. “The ACA will help front-line healthcare workers strengthen the safety net for all Californians.”
Schoonover noted in his remarks that Local 721 “has supported the ACA ever since the beginning and we are committed to bringing quality health care to our communities.”