
SEIU Demands New Social Workers: Almost 100 CSWs Hired

Help is on the Way! SEIU Members demanded more workers and 100 new social workers have been hired to help us and provide support.
Academy Group One.jpgAfter 10 weeks in the academy, two new classes of CSWs will soon head out to sites all over LA County, with more on the way in January. These new CSWs will provide assistance to sites that desperately need support and to workers on the line fighting to provide quality service to families and children.                
Beth Minor
  “These new academy classes will bring energy      
  to the department. They are thoughtful, willing  
  to learn and eager. The Academy has emphasized
  Philip Browning’s three goals: common sense,
  critical thinking and accountability. This class is 
  ready to provide much needed support.”
  -Beth Minor, DCFS Academy Instructor 
DCFS has had four goals to improve working conditions including: hiring more staff, rewriting the staff manual, creating an educational-based discipline plan and purchasing new fax machines and copiers for each work site. SEIU fought for and won on each point. The rolling out of new staff is just the beginning.
David Green.jpg“Social Workers make split-second decisions that affect people’s lives and we are overwhelmed in DCFS. It’s been a battle to get folks hired, but they are coming, so it means that what we do works! Hope has arrived, ” said CSW and SEIU Board Member David Green.
Now we are in a position to, not only protect members, but also to help provide social workers with tools to help families and children.
New CSWs are excited to get to their work sites.
Berenice Lopez.jpg
“There are high case loads. I am optimistic and excited about facing the 
Berenice Lopez – New CSW Wateridge
Naomi Johnson.jpg
“Having been an SEIU member before, I’ve always supported the union and I have always been supported.”
Naomi Johnson – New CSW Compton East
 Shane Bulkley.jpg          
“Focusing on the client’s strength is something I am excited bring to the Department.”
Shane Bulkley – New CSW Lancaster
Another new academy class begins in January.
Categories: Los Angeles County
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