Lillian Cabral (721 M1st)
I’m running for election as Secretary of SEIU 721 because I know that my 30 years as a Union Steward and activist, my solid experience and good judgment will benefit all of the members of our Union.
I will focus on winning fair raises for LA County workers and on a return to basics: union business conducted member to member, member-by-member.
I am the VOICE that can be heard and the VOTE that can be counted.
I am proud to stand with the other members of the 721 Members First slate and ask for your vote for the entire team.
Hana Kawano (721MDU)
Vote for HANA KAWANO and the 721MDU slate!
The union gets big money and great power from us. Those who control this union squandered our money. Desperate for approval, they frittered our power away. As a result, management attacks us. Then, when we fight back, the union attacks us again. We do not work for this union. They work for us. If they attack any of us, then they have attacked us all. We stick together. We organize. We win. I am iron-willed, resourceful, relentless and on your side! Join us!
Vote for HANA KAWANO and the 721MDU Slate!
Key to Slates: “721M” = 721 Members (LA County only); “721 MDU” = 721 Member Driven Union; “721 M1st” = 721 Members First; “1SLT 1VSN” = 1 Slate 1 Vision (Inland Region only). Candidates without a designation do not belong to a slate.
Candidates For Secretary
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