
Candidates For Vice President

Linda Dent (721 M1st)
I’m Vice President Linda Dent, Intermediate Clerk with 36 years in LA County. I am a Steward, Bargaining Policy Chair, and leader. This year we are committed to fight and to win raises for our members in Los Angeles County. Together, we’ve fought and won significant contract gains, protected secure retirements, enhanced health benefits, and won step and salary increases. There is much more work to be done in building a stronger, fighting Union for all SEIU 721 members. It’s time to TURN IT UP! 
A vote for the 721 Members First slate is a vote for strong leadership.
Frank Dominguez (721 MDU)
Local 721 must be OPEN, HONEST, and PROGRESSIVE. We cannot be managed by an ineffective, self-serving executive board. It’s time for CHANGE! Remember there is no UNION without U and I Together we can restore the prestige and dignity that a MEMBER DRIVEN union deserves. We must develop strategic Training Programs to prepare our members for Promotional Opportunities and the changing work environments of our Public Sector jobs. We must be an Activist Union in terms of the Collective Bargaining process and the REPRESENTATION of our members.
Vote for the 721 MDU SLATE. Thank You for your VOTE!  Key to Slates: “721M” = 721 Members (LA County only); “721 MDU” = 721 Member Driven Union; “721 M1st” = 721 Members First; “1SLT 1VSN” = 1 Slate 1 Vision (Inland Region only). Candidates without a designation do not belong to a slate. 
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