
SEIU 721 Members Protect Animals, Win Staff

LA animal shelter workers and animal advocates won a big victory for city residents and homeless animals on April 16. Because of their work, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously agreed to add 16 animal shelter worker positions to the city workforce. This means that shelter animals will continue to receive round-the-clock care.
The 13-0 City Council vote concludes a flurry of activity in response to LA Animal Services General Manager Brenda Barnette’s plan to remove LA City Animal Care Technicians from the graveyard shift at all six city animal shelters and replace them with security guards. 
“These new positions will go a long way toward helping us provide better services to LA residents and their pets. We had to push really hard to make this happen, and we did it because we are dedicated to the people and animals we serve.”
-Jacob Miller, LA City Animal Shelter Worker

Check out this media coverage in the LA Weekly.
How SEIU 721 Members Did It
SEIU 721 members organized a vigil, spoke out at numerous City Council meetings, mobilized for an Animal Services Town Hall meeting and launched an online campaign to stop the plan.
What’s Next?
All SEIU 721 members in Animal Services are invited to discuss how we can improve our department and get a Joint Labor Management Committee in place.
Monday, April 22, 6 p.m.
@ SEIU Local 721
1545 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles 90017

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For more information, call Worksite Organizer Renee Anderson: (213) 220-3031 or the SEIU 721 Member Connection: (877) 721-4YOU.