
LA County Heroes Unite: 2021 Contract Campaign

The COVID-19 pandemic proved what we already knew: We’re the heroes who keep America together while everything else is falling apart.

We deserve a strong contract! But how will we get it this year if LA County is almost broke?

This is definitely a special year – so we need a special strategy. Find out the details!

Register for one of our special Zoom Membership Meetings.

We’re holding 14 online meetings total. Reminder: You will need to be a dues-paying member in good standing to attend and vote.

(Not sure if your membership is up to date? Click here to check.)

COVID-19 crashed LA County’s economy but there may still be enough funding this year to:

  • Reward us with HEROES PAY FOR ALL – an across-the-board pay increase for all LA County bargaining units.
  • Cover expected increases in healthcare costs, like anticipated premium hikes.
  • Address urgent job safety and job security issues.

This is especially true if we can convince the Biden Administration and Congress to help us out financially by passing the American Rescue Plan.

Find out how we’re going to get those federal dollars from DC – and how it all ties in to our special strategy for a special contract bargaining year.

We look forward to seeing you.

LA County heroes unite because, together, we win!

Categories: Los Angeles County
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Victor Sibrian

How about addressing short term disability to help our employees. Many of us who get hurt or sick don’t have any coverage. For example I got cancer during the pandemic and have not received any assistance from the county this entire time. we don’t get state disability we don’t qualify for short term disability and you can’t get LTD unless you’ve be with the county for at least 5 years! Not okay we don’t predict these illnesses!!

Guadalupe Whitlow

We need a strong contract we kept working some us in the middle of the year began working from home some us started working since the beginning we had to buy chairs computers equipment to be able to work from home to stay safe and keep our family safe. The end of the year and we are doing our taxes we can’t right computers equipment we don’t get to right off stuff not only did we continue to work we didn’t get heroes pay nothing extra but our regular paycheck along with stress for some of us trying to figure… Read more »

Irma Pineda

We need a fair contract , Go 721

Jessica Jones

I agree we need more money than what they r giving with retirement benefits cost going up as well…so we really didn’t get a raise


What we need is someone to fight for lvns like they do rns. I work corrections and the rns get hazard pay but I think they’re calling it something else so us lvns don’t get upset. We lvns don’t get hazard pay and we’re with the pts a lot more. Rns have like 23 steps which means 23 raises while us lvns have 8. That’s totally unfair. Us lvns need hazard pay, more steps, bonuses, bonuses for years worked, and 2 raises a year just like rns. We’re not less than. We work hard at our jobs. This last year… Read more »

T. A.

I agree. I am in the ambulatory care network and let me tell you, we have been working hars, clinics are over flowing with patients, and its not fair at all. We are shown little to no respect.


totally agree with this comment LVN’s we work like no other and we get paid about the same of what a CMS is getting, not fair we do a lot more. when Rn’s were deployed we were running the clinics and doing what Rn’s usually do we need a better compensation.

Karina A.

Union should address: How new employees are hired as F items without benefits, no sick time accruing and No vacation time accruing. During these times no one knows when they will get ill with unexpected diseases or surgeries, not fair that at times “F items/non benefited” need to wait more than a year or 2 until they become A item until they begin to accrue any kind of sick, vacation or health benefits. I was one of them whom had to wait 2 full years/working full time hours to be granted a vacation, unfair for managers to manipulate waiting times!… Read more »


I totally agree I’m a Dental Assistant in corrections and we don’t get hazardous pay we deal with sharp instruments every day doing extraction cleaning the doctors have been receiving hazardous pay for two years now we are the first ones the patient see and I think that we should be entitled to the hazardous pay just as well as the doctors and the RN’s.


For those of us who telework, we should get extra subsidy for getting office equipments to allow us to work from home. We are also using extra utilities that costs money.

For those who works front line, they should be guaranteed extra sick leave and hazard pay. It’s just right to do that during this time. The county used a bunch of money to hire registry nurses from out of state to work at the Mega POD to do vaccinations but doesn’t want to give us a raise? They need to take care of their own people first.

kathleen landacre

It seems as if the UNION and COUNTY doesn’t care about the front line staff. Nurses,therapists,technicians ,etc ,That worked with patients with active COVID. These staff put their health and lives at risk.Also,potentially exposing their loved ones ,friends and family. They received NO COMPENSATION for this. MANY of the staff have PTSD. Many talk of leaving the health fields. AND the UNION DOESN’T GIVE A PIECE OF CRAP. They brought in traveling nurses and paid them MEGA BUCKS. But,county employees a big 0


We have meetings coming up and would love you to join and voicing your opinion. Remember, you are the union, so if you don’t show up to voice your opinion then the “union” will not be heard. YOU ARE THE UNION!


Shame on the UNION!!!!!

kathleen landacre

There was NO HERO PAY for caregivers and NO COVID RELIEF Pay for us. Of,course, we will be paying for this with no pay raises,decreased benefits, pensions,etc. Only think that will increase is our taxes and probably union dues.


We Need A Fair Contract That Matches The Increase Of The Cost Of Living. The Cost Of Living Rises ANNUALLY! Our Wages Need To Exceed This Cost Or At Least Match. #4%AnnualRise

Irma Alcantar’s

Members at OVMC want to know who does “HEROES PAY” include? Primary care RN? Does it include LVN’s? Nursing Attendants spend a great deal with patients, than other classifications and don’t want to be the last in line to be considered.
Does this include individuals who process equipment for reuse that comes from COVID patients?
County employees want to know what is the union going to do to make sure everyone is inclusive in heroes pay, and there isn’t disparities.

kathleen landacre

To me ,it should include RNs, LVNs,Nurses assistants,respiratory therapists ,phlebotimists,. Any and all staff,that took care of these, incredibly ill patients

Irma Alcantar’s

I know we are always looking toward salaries, but members also want to make sure our benefits are not increased where members would have to pay out of POCKET more.
Heroe pay should not be part of a negotiation that would increase costs to our benefits.

Irma Alcantar’s

I strongly think that employees working with disabilities should be addressed. There are many employees working with restrictions which the county would love to get rid of. I strongly believe that these cases must be reviewed and monitored by our union to see if the county violates our restrictions. County will provide a referral and therapy, but sometimes the employees don’t fully recover, and these therapies are cut off, that is unless you are smart to get a lawyer. This is something that county doesn’t like; however, they almost obligate to do this. County will still reassign the employee in… Read more »

Irma Alcantar’s

Pandemic Pay- I think that this issue should be explored more, when an employee actually contracts a pandemic illness, that the employee get pay until he or she returns to work and is medically cleared. Some employees did not recover in two weeks, and some cases were so severe where they needed to stay out of work and use their own time on the books. Some employees have chronic illnesses, using their sick time and not having 100% percent hour pay. It would be good if the county could use the 50% and 65% and supplement the remaining percentage in… Read more »

Irma Alcantar’s

I also want to address another pandemic pay issue. Pandemic pay should be a separate issue, and not combined with any future earnings, as this puts the employee at a higher tax bracket and the employee pays more taxes leaving basically nothing for bills and rent to get paid.


I believe the Union needs to help with fairness regarding Overtime. Why do only some employees or some sections get overtime while the rest do not. For example, how does a Social Worker that works in CS have so much work to do yet only ER gets overtime? Another example, how can someone who is an Eligibility Worker in one section get overtime yet another EW in another section cannot. There are many more examples, but these are a few things I’ve experienced.


Holiday hours should be able to be cashed out since employees have to request to use their holiday hours. There should also be a time frame cut off period for employees to be able to get approved for holiday hours because it is easy to get denied even when you request a month ahead of time. In addition to cashing out holiday hours, I feel that there should either be an increase in frequency in the year for employees to cash out sick hours since it is limited to about 24 hours, or the amount of hours that can be… Read more »


La county public works dispatchers need to be reclassified, pw headquarters has been empty, everyone is teleworking. While dispatch has been in the office working everyday. A normal shift should have 3-4 dispachers. We have been forced to work alone. We have been overworked, overwhelmed, underpaid, and exploited. We have asked management to let us work in groups multiple times because it’s too much work for one person, these requests are ignored. Dispatch as taken the load of the pressure in pw during the pandemic. We have made it so most pw departments have been able to telework for a… Read more »