Riverside County ULP Strike Notification

Enough with Riverside County's Unfair Practices! For more than a year we’ve tried to negotiate in good-faith with the County of Riverside but they have consistently stayed on their low-road of breaking labor law after Read More...

Purple Up at City Hall to Raise Up Riverside!

Amplifying our voices and strengthening our unity is the key to winning a contract that Raises Up Riverside! In the latest bargaining negotiations, City management has once again shown they are determined to put frontline workers and the neighborhoods we serve last! They're refusing to Read More...

Public Service Week: SEIU 721 Members Proud to Serve

Did You Know? · The first person to set foot on the moon, Neil Armstrong, was a public employee· More than two million public employees protect our nation through service in our armed forces· The majority of children in America are educated by public school teachers Join our celebration of Read More...