
Doris Wallace Wins Community Activist of the Year

At her annual Divercities luncheon and ceremony on July 28, 2012, Congresswoman Judy Chu presented SEIU 721 member Doris Wallace with the Community Activist of the Year award.
“Doris has been dedicated to serving her community by fighting for working families,” Congresswoman Chu told the audience at the event, which was held at the University of the West in Rosemead.
“I was very happy to be recognized for the work I do,” says Wallace. “I want to thank Judy Chu for this honor.” Wallace worked for the LA County Department of Children and Family Services for 21 years and was also Vice President of SEIU Legacy Local 535. 
These days, Doris chairs the SEIU 721 Seniors Committee and spends considerable time fighting “for the right of public employees to retire with dignity,” in Chu’s words.
Says Wallace, “This kind of award reminds us all that being retired doesn’t mean you have to stop serving your community.”
In attendance at the event were fellow Retiree Committee members Yolanda Toure and Theresa Maxwell. “Doris is an inspiration,” says Toure. “She encourages other to get involved with civic engagement.”
To learn more about the SEIU 721 Seniors Committee, click here.
Categories: Los Angeles County