
LA and OC Cities Candidates

Joaquin Avalos (721 M1st)
My name is Joaquin Avalos. I’ve worked for the City of Santa Ana as an Automotive Equipment Technician for 24 years and been active with the Union for 22. I believe we’re headed in the right direction, providing better service to the members, but there’s still unfinished work to be done. I have the drive and the passion to be part of the team that accomplishes great things, together!
I hope I can count on your vote for me and for the whole 721 Members First team.
Edwina Chism (721 M1st)
My name is Edwina Chism and I’m asking for your vote for re-election as part of the 721 Members First Team.  I became a steward 13 years go to correct wrongs.  I want to hold the CAO’s feet to the fire and I want to fight to keep the City moving forward.’Members First’ is not just a motto; it’s our action plan!  We’ve had lots of wins, and we need to keep moving forward and not allow city officials or anyone else take us backwards.Learn more and please vote for the entire 721 Members First slate.
Pedro Conde (721 MDU)

My name is Pedro A Conde. I’m running for a seat on the Local SEIU 721 Executive Board (LACity). I work for the Los Angeles Airport Police Department, Traffic & Security Section and have been a member of 721 for the past 8 years having spent 7 of those as a steward.  I have worked many long hours in the service of my fellow coworkers and I feel strongly that a change is needed in the current leadership.  I ask for your vote and that of the 721 MDU slate as well. Together we can make a difference.

Nader Haghighat (721 MDU)

Brian Hollenbaugh 

Kesavan Korand
Greetings to all L.A. / O.C. Cities Region 2 Members:I am Kesavan Korand, a licensed Civil Engineer, working for the City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works, for 22 years.
My most important goal is to provide excellent representation and to work for the welfare of all our union members. I believe that my skills as a problem solver and consensus builder will be a great asset as your Executive Board Member. I personally feel that my credentials as a Union Steward and Regional Council Member qualifies me above all other candidates.Please Vote for me.Thank You. 
Nady Maechling (721 M1st)
As your 721 Steward, I represent our members at work sites, on your Executive Board, at the L.A. County Federation of Labor, and during contract negotiations of our public service jobs.  I am committed in our continued & pronounced fight against the privatization of our public service jobs through irresponsible contracting out.I am part of the 721M1st candidates for re-election.  I ask for your VOTE of TRUST in me and our 721 Members First slate so I can continue to represent our members with focus and commitment towards the betterment of the life of all our working families.
Charley Mims (721 M1st)
I am proud to be running for re-election as part of the 721 Members First team. Whenever I’ve seen a person being mistreated, I have spoken up to right the wrong.  I’ve worked in this Union as a steward, bargaining team member, committee member and chair, political activist, and Executive Board member.  My continued commitment is to building a strong member-led union that is powerful enough to win for all of our members. Please support me and the entire 721 Members First team to help build a stronger union for all of us.Learn more at 721 Members
Andres Morales (721 M1st)

I’m running for re-election as part of the 721 Members First team to continue building the Union and winning for workers in every City and County in our Union and I ask for your vote.I’ve been an active Steward in the LA City Bureau of Sanitation where I’ve worked for 27 years and have been  the Chief Steward for the past ten years.  I’m the co-chair of our effective Solid Resources Joint Labor Management Committee, a member of several Process Action Teams, and a member of the Union’s Bargaining Team.Learn more at 721 Members
Alan Peshek
I, Alan Peshek, am running for a position on the Executive Board for SEIU Local 721 representing LA/OC Cities. I have been a Chief Steward for the past 12 years and am currently on the LA/OC Cities Regional Board. I believe in a Member Run Union and have been working on improving the Communications from our Union. I believe in a Union that is us/we not I/me, that is how we build trust and strength in our Union. We must remember… WE are the Union and together, united, we will prevail. My strength as a Steward has been in Representation. 
Michael Simpson (721 M1st)

I want to be your representative to the SEIU Local 721 Board to advocate and fight for solutions that restore equality, fairness and justice for the hard-working members in Local 721.  I will lead and engage members in campaigns to assist in fighting our retirement security and our collective bargaining rights and I, along with the 721 Members First slate, will fight irresponsible efforts to contract out the services we provide. Together we can make sure all working people in Local 721 gain a collective voice through unionization and a path to a better way of living.
Linda Stone (721 M1st)

My name is Linda Stone, and I’m running for re-election to continue the work I’ve done for years: fighting for my co-workers and for all workers.I started working for the City of Los Angeles in 1985 and have worked in GSD, the LAPD, and now LAWA as a custodian.  I became a Union Steward in 1991 when I was called upon to stand up for myself and my co-workers and I ask for your vote so I can keep working for you!Please vote for me and the whole 721 Members First team. Read more at
Simboa Wright (721 M1st)
I ask for your vote for re-election to the SEIU 721 Board as a proud member of the 721 Members First slate.As a union leader in the City of Los Angeles, my number one priority is to provide the services that matter to LA City residents as safely and efficiently as possible.  I’m committed to keeping LA a world-class city for every resident and worker.Instead of talking about the problems or challenges, I’m driven to figure out the solutions.  I’m proud of what we’ve done – together — and ready to keep working, leading forward!
Key to Slates: “721M” = 721 Members (LA County only); “721 MDU” = 721 Member Driven Union; “721 M1st” = 721 Members First; “1SLT 1VSN” = 1 Slate 1 Vision (Inland Region only). Candidates without a designation do not belong to a slate. 
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