
City of Indio Members Win Merit Raises, Protect Medical Benefits

indio_barg_team_2013_595px.jpgOn July 19, 2013, SEIU 721 City of Indio members ratified a two-year contract by a unanimous vote. The contract ensures merit raises and protects medical benefits for members and their families.The SEIU 721 Bargaining Team consisted of members Ross Gutierrez (left) and Ricardo Mercado (right) who were assisted by Paul Dearden, SEIU 721 negotiator.
We fought back against drastic changes that would have affected our cafeteria health care plan. While there will be a slight monthly reduction, our members and their families will still be covered. Our members work and live here, and we understood that we needed to work with the City to reach a fair contract, one that was equitable to our members and helped toward balancing the budget for our future.
-Ross Gutierrez, Building Inspector II and SEIU 721 Indio Bargaining Team member
Contract Highlights:
• Merit raises reinstated• Education reimbursement and degree incentive language protected• Retiree medical benefits protected• Employees will start paying 8% EPMC (retirement) to meet upcoming PEPRA mandate• Two-year contract term (June 2015 expiration)
Please click here to download the settlement flyer.
Click here to download the SEIU 721 City of Indio MOU.
Categories: Inland Area