
Horizons Plan Administrative Committee Meeting – LA County Deferred Compensation and Thrift Plan

Friday, March 23, 2018

9:30 am - 11:45 am

Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, 500 W. Temple St., Rm. 140, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Many employees of Los Angeles County invest a significant portion of their earnings into a Horizons 457 retirement account. Each month, the Horizons Plan Administrative Committee (PAC) meets to ensure that the Horizons Plan’s $10.7 billion in assets and investments are managed properly. The PAC determines the asset classes and selects the fund managers for the Horizons Plan. The PAC also serves as the hearing body for member appeals for hardship withdrawals and other investment decisions.

Pursuant to the LA County Code, the PAC is chaired by the CEO’s Office, and it is comprised of the Personnel Director, Treasurer-Tax Collector and Auditor-Controller as well as two representatives from the Coalition of County Unions and two additional representatives from SEIU Local 721.

All PAC meetings are free and open to the public. (Parking is available at the Music Center at-cost.) If you have questions, feel free to contact Ms. Shauna Janeway, Member Benefits and Employer Relations Coordinator, at

Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, 500 W. Temple St., Rm. 140, Los Angeles, CA 90012

500 West Temple Street
Los Angeles , CA

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