LA County: Fair Contract Now!

On Tuesday hundreds of LA County members descended on the Hall of Administration to demand a fair contract that respects our work. Members from across LA County came out in force to make their voices heard. Together, we made our call loud and clear: it's time to RAISE UP ALL OF LA COUNTY! "If you Read More...

In Our “VIEW”

In support of our fellow nurse, Miss Colorado, we nurses wear more than a stethoscope. We wear the concerns, welfare and well-being of our patients, community and profession. As LA county nurses, we are patients' Read More...

Labor Day 2015: Marching for All Families

On Labor Day hundreds of SEIU 721 members, families and community allies, marched in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara to celebrate all that is good and strong about being in a union. Other groups held picnics and rallies in celebration of the work we have achieved, and the Read More...

Raising Up DCFS Social Workers!

Raise Up All of LA County has been bargaining since March and the County still hasn't come to the table with a fair deal to alleviate the DCFS understaffing or with a strategy to deliver more services to the people we proudly serve. Our demands for DCFS Social Workers are Read More...

SEIU 721 Responds to DCFS Audit

Attention to all SEIU 721 DCFS CSW members! L.A. County DCFS recently concluded an audit, which found over 800 CSW's claimed weekend and evening mileage incorrectly, or logged into their computer outside of regular business hours without approval. While DCFS was ready to dish out penalties over Read More...